Copyright © 2025 NHAEG - All Rights Reserved.
An NHAEG gathering at Hampton Court Castle and Gardens, Herefordshire
The Club meets on the second Monday of each month, generally some time between 7:30 and 8:00 in the evening, at the ‘New Inn’, situated on the B3349, between Hook and Reading, close to the village of Heckfield. Our genial hosts, Tim and June Winter, make us extremely welcome and are most accommodating with and supportive of everything we arrange or get involved with.
This includes a large variety of events and activities throughout the year with a particular emphasis on and effort being made to provide a lively, wide-ranging atmosphere for members of both sexes and all ages. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that Club nights regularly see 35 to 50+ members turning up, which is very gratifying and something of which we are rather proud. A bi-monthly newsletter is published which provides a report on recent activities as well as an update on forthcoming ones.
If you live in the north Hampshire/north Surrey/east Berkshire/south Oxfordshire area, are intrigued and would like to learn more about the NHAEG and its activities please contact:.
Do join us – you’ll be in good company!
If you would like more information on the NHAEG please contact our Secretary:
The North Hampshire Austin Enthusiasts’ Group (NHAEG) is a thriving, vibrant club for all those sharing an interest in historic vehicles and, as the name implies, the majority of its members own Austins, of one model type or another. It welcomes, however, anyone whose interest is in the running and preservation of ‘real’ cars, of whatever marque - although even the actual owning of one is not obligatory! Whilst being distinctly a Club in its own right, with its own separate constitution and being affiliated to the MSA and FBHVC, it is a recognised centre for the PWA7C (Pre-War Austin Seven Club), the ATDC (Austin Ten Drivers Club) and the VAR (Vintage Austin Register).