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Copyright © 2025 NHAEG - All Rights Reserved.

The NHAEG is a ‘not for profit’ organisation and is not required to notify details of data holding and processing to the Information Commissioner’s Office. However, it is still required to meet the requirements of GDPR Regulations (General Data Protection Regulation) regarding the holding, use, care of and disposal of personal information.

Collection and use of information

The NHAEG will hold personal details as provided on the membership application form. This includes names, vehicle details and contact details in the form of email and postal addresses, and telephone numbers. Data is primarily held in digital format by the NHAEG committee.

This information is used to :

Maintain membership and subscription payment records

Compile mailing lists for the distribution of newsletters & bulletins

Administer events

Contact members about events, services or opportunities

Respond to members enquiries

The NHAEG will not :

Collect or process any other personal information

Supply data to a third party for marketing purposes

Sell data to a third party

Recorded images

The NHAEG may hold a record of the events in which you participate, including images of you and/or your car. This will form part of the information held and used for the production and publication of the club newsletter, website or for submission to other publications.

Disclosure of information

Where appropriate the NHAEG may disclose data within the NHAEG membership in support of organising events, or in response to specific member requests.


Data held electronically or in paper form will be deleted or shredded when no longer required.


Ensure that all personal information which they provide to the Club is accurate, up to date and inform the Club of any changes. The Club cannot be held responsible for errors of which it has not been informed.

Who hold or act in an official role within the NHAEG must abide by the data protection principles set out in the Data Protection Acts with regards to members and event participants details held.

Requests for data

Members are entitled to a copy of any personal data held by the NHAEG. This may be requested from the club secretary at the address printed in the newsletter or email to: membershipsecretary@nhaeg.org.uk

Data Protection Statement